加拿大留学 留学签证新规定是什么
据加拿大签证中心的官方公告,自2014年6月1日期起,加拿大学生签证的正式按新规定实行。那么新规定的具体内容是什么呢?加拿大签证移民中心实行新政策的目的是什么?以及学生该如何应对这些新规定呢? 一、新学生签政策分析
新规章1:applicants must enrol in and continue to pursue studies in canada. failure to do so could lead to removal from canada.
新规章2:study permits will only be issued to successful applicants who are pursuing studies at an educational institution that has been designated to receive international students.
新规章3:study permits will automatically authorize the holder to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit. the study permit holder must be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designated institution.
分析:改革后学生不用在额外申请“校外打工许可”(off campus work permit)就可以直接在校外打工。也表明了加拿大欢迎真正的学生的态度。