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Last week, Edison High School junior Sarah Weinstein got ready for the Standards of Learning tests — the state-mandated exams designed to keep schools and teachers accountable and measure students’ academic progress. Students must pass the SOLs, as the tests are known, in order to graduate, which can heighten anxiety surrounding the exams for many of the teens.


On March 11, the day before the exams began, Edison principal Pamela Brumfield sent out a note to parents with the testing schedule.

But then Weinstein showed up for the tests and learned that the schedule was all wrong. Instead of taking her tests in the morning as scheduled, she was told her International Baccalaureate class would take the exams during the second session that ended in the afternoon.

3月11日,在考试开始前,爱迪生中学的校长Pamela Brumfield给学生家长寄了一份关于考试安排的通知。但那天Weinstein去了考场却发现考试时间错了。

Weinstein said that “the day of testing, students were still unsure of when and where they would be testing. This left a lot of us very unhappy.” The scheduling mix-up caused confusion and frustration among the teens, she said.


Fairfax schools spokesman John Torre said that the testing days were changed after the state department of education expanded the window to administer the exams because the winter’s inclement weather caused widespread school cancellations.

费尔法克斯学校的发言人Jhon Torre表示,考试日期之所以变动是因为冬天的恶劣天气造成了大规模的学校停课。



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