2011英语:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 8_英语考试-查字典留学网
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2011英语:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 8


2011英语:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 8

2012年05月21日 02时20分,《2011英语:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 8》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.

1. “I hear you had a quarrel with your parents yesterday.” “ So I did (的确如此), but it has been made up already.

2. “In the end, I decided to apply to medical school, and so did my brother” (我兄弟也申请读医).

3. “She recalls her father in this article in an emotional way.” “So she does (的确是这样). There’s a lot of feeling in it.”

4. “The teachers all say John is the best student in class.” “ So they do (他们是这样说的),and so do his classmates (约翰的同班同学也这样说).”

5. “As a university student, Tim is now ashamed of asking his parents for money all the time.” “So am I (我也有同感).”

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