英语资源网:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 7
2012年05月21日 02时20分,《英语资源网:英语四级翻译考试真题分析练习篇:Exercises 7》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.
1. (她真正希望得到的东西) What she really hopes for is encouragement from her parents and teachers.
2. Look up this word in the dictionary and you’ll find out (它的意思是什么) what it means.
3. Since the invention of the computer, users have created ways to take advantage of (它所能提供给他们的) what it can offer them.
4. In class you must pay attention to (老师讲的话) what the teacher says.
5. Remember to write to your parents about (你在做的和学校里正在发生的事情) what you’re doing and what’s going on at school.
6. Some predictions from the past of (现今世界的样子) what this modern world would be like have turned out to be humorous.
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