英语口语演讲:My School Life 我的学校生活
12月23日 查字典出国留学网英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。
It's a pleasure to be here.
My topic today is school life.
My school is my life.
My life is my school.
My life revolves around school.
I've been in school for many years.
I've been studying a long time.
Let me tell you about my school life.
First,school life is a challenge.
It's continous competition.
It's full of pressure and lots tests.
The competition is intense.
The pressure is heavy.
The testing never ends.
It used to drive me crazy.
Now,I handle it OK.
Now,I just focus on doing my best.
Second,school is a great learning experience.
I welcome this chance to discover.
I understand that knowledge is power.
Some days are unforgettable.
Some classes are incredible.
Some teachers inspire me so much.
Before,I thought school was boring.
Before,I complained it was torture.
Now,I know it's a privilege to be valued.
Third,my school is like a family.
We're like a close-knit community.
We're like members of a special club.
We stick together like a team.
We share and care about each other.
We all learn and grow together.
I cherish classmates and teachers.
They understand and encourage me.
Their friendship and support mean a lot.我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 雅思备考:如何通过练习来培养英语语感雅思备考:如何处理英语复习中的误区大学生有关青春励志的英语演讲稿经典校园英语演讲稿范文参考英语演讲稿(中英文):青春是什么英语演讲稿:奥运题材精彩语句英语演讲稿:迎国庆中英文演讲稿英语演讲稿:迎新年联欢会主持人中英文台词留美大学生毕业英语演讲稿范文话题英语演讲稿:我爱英语 英语口语演讲:My School Life 我的学校生活
Fourth,school life is about participation.
It's about trying new things.
It's about joining clubs and getting involved.
I like to interact with others.
I learn to open my mind.
I discover who I am and what I like.
I create fond memories.
I make friends for life.
I realize that school life is really great.
Right now,school dominates my life.
It's my first big challenge.
It's my best opportunity to improve.
I treasure the happy days.
I tolerate the tough days.
I never take one day for granted.
I thank you for listening.
I hope your school life is great.
Remember to be grateful for school.
小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 雅思备考:如何通过练习来培养英语语感雅思备考:如何处理英语复习中的误区大学生有关青春励志的英语演讲稿经典校园英语演讲稿范文参考英语演讲稿(中英文):青春是什么英语演讲稿:奥运题材精彩语句英语演讲稿:迎国庆中英文演讲稿英语演讲稿:迎新年联欢会主持人中英文台词留美大学生毕业英语演讲稿范文话题英语演讲稿:我爱英语