12月23日 查字典出国留学网英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。
I believe the employer should serve employees not only by giving salaries, but also by providing opportunities for them to enjoy their life. In that respect, Our company has a great deal to offer. We have more than thirty activity groups organized by workers for athletic and recreational purposes.
Among these groups are the Tennis Club, Basketball Club, Popular Music Club, Company Orchestra, Aerobics Club, and so on. Our tennis team is one of the best in the Shanghai area, and currently maintains a winning streak in the east of china District Tournament. Also, our company orchestra was established two years ago, and the members practice twice a week under the instructions by one of Shanghai's best conductors. And for those of you who want to have a good sweat and slim down, we have an Aerobics Club. The club welcomes any body who wants to have a good work-out and slim down, male or female.
Please take advantage of these group activities and enjoy yourself.
athletic and recreational purposes: 运动与娱乐的目的
我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 俱乐部:广州将建设“南方俱乐部”吸引海外人才创业事业单位招聘:2012年2月云南省楚雄市公开招聘消息事业单位招聘网:2012安徽审计职业学院公开专业测雅思作文Enquiry类雅思写作模板:Apology类哈佛商学院进行入学申请改革事业单位招聘:12年重庆市钓鱼城风景名胜区公开非事业单位招聘:2012年2月广东省交通运输部南海救助事业单位招聘:2012年上海市工商行政管理局徐汇分中央民大资助优秀生出国访学金额最高增至6万 英语演讲稿:英语演讲短文——公司俱乐部介绍
be established:被成立
want to slim down, want to lose weight:想要减肥
take advantage of:利用
英语演讲稿写作:一篇演讲稿要有一个集中、鲜明的主题。无中心、无主次、杂乱无章的演讲是没有人愿听的。一篇演讲稿只能有一个中心,全篇内容都必须紧紧围绕着这个中心去铺陈,这样才能使听众得到深刻的印象。我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 俱乐部:广州将建设“南方俱乐部”吸引海外人才创业事业单位招聘:2012年2月云南省楚雄市公开招聘消息事业单位招聘网:2012安徽审计职业学院公开专业测雅思作文Enquiry类雅思写作模板:Apology类哈佛商学院进行入学申请改革事业单位招聘:12年重庆市钓鱼城风景名胜区公开非事业单位招聘:2012年2月广东省交通运输部南海救助事业单位招聘:2012年上海市工商行政管理局徐汇分中央民大资助优秀生出国访学金额最高增至6万