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12月23日 查字典出国留学网英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。


First of all, I want to thank you all for coming to this party. I have thrown this party, because I wanted to thank you all for being kind to me while I have been here.

Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you. My wife and I still remember the first day we arrived in Los Angeles, and every thing looked so huge, compared with things in Taipei. The first several months were a difficult time, but we tried very hard to adapt ourselves to the new environment, new life style, and a new place of work. There were times of disappointment, anger, and humiliation, and there were also times of joy, excitement, and happiness, Through them all, you have always been with us to share the sorrow and happiness, and we are deeply grateful to you for that.

Millions of thanks to you all, and don't forget to finish your dinner before it gets cold.


being kind to me :关照

while I have been here:在我任职此地期间

through them all:始终

小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 高校教师招聘:2012福建小新星英语培训学校招聘教名师解读:2012高考英语考试大纲机场常用英语公共场所标志常备无患疯狂英语夏令营助教的实习工作体会雅思考试应注意的十大要点之一:时间是最大的敌人空军招飞条件之文化条件英语教研组学期末总结英语教师年终个人总结雅思写作范文:那点事(1)英国哪个城市的英语最标准
