12月23日 查字典出国留学网英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。
I have a best friend.
We met at school.
We're in the same grade.
He's a diligent student.
He's very hardworking.
I learn a lot from him.
He helps me with math.
I help him with English.
We're a good study team.
He's honest and reliable.
I trust him completely.
We share secrets all the time.
He's loyal and brave.
Once a bully teased me.
He came to my rescue right away.
He's considerate and polite.
He makes me little gifts.
He always remembers my birthday.
He is fun to be with.
He tells funny jokes.
His stories make me laugh.
He's a good listener.
He knows when I'm blue.
He picks me up when I'm down.
He's one of a kind.
We'll stay friends forever.
I hope you have a friend like mine.
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