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2011年08月22日 06时36分,《2011英语:商务英语考试情景口语对话:我们只招兼职》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.

A: Thanks for coming in on such short notice. Did you find our studio okay?

B:Oh, yes, it was very easy to find with the directions you gave me.

A: Good. Well, let‘s get right into your interview. We’re looking for someone who will be able to work on a part-time basis only.

B: That‘s no problem. I can work either part-time or full-time, but I actually prefer something part-time.

A: Tell me a litter bit about your qualifications. We’ve already had over fifty applicants for this position. What sets you apart from all the other candidates?

B: I think something I can offer that is different from everyone else is that I can speak several languages fluently. I have experience in intercultural communication, and I can help your station to reach a wider audience.

A: Have you ever worked in broadcasting before ?

B: I have done some work in print media, but this will be the first time to do broadcast media. Even though it is new for me, I learn really quickly. I have confidence I can get the hang of things in no time at all.我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012高考历史高频考点:魏晋南北朝时期的社会经济精2012高考历史高频考点:两汉时期政治经济制度精讲2012高考历史高频考点:历史学科学习能力诊断卷2012高考-留学双保险计划2012年高考文综冲刺:结合政治经典考题掌握解题技巧2012年高考文综冲刺:高考政治常用的思维方法有几种2012年高考文综冲刺:政治主观试题如何做到充分地思2012年高考文综冲刺:高考政治图表题弄清问啥再动笔2012年高考文综冲刺:地理科目必考点集合2012高考语文试卷分析:文学作品阅读考点讲析 2011英语:商务英语考试情景口语对话:我们只招兼职

A: Would you mind giving us a demo right now?

B: No problem! I‘d be happy to.





我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012高考历史高频考点:魏晋南北朝时期的社会经济精2012高考历史高频考点:两汉时期政治经济制度精讲2012高考历史高频考点:历史学科学习能力诊断卷2012高考-留学双保险计划2012年高考文综冲刺:结合政治经典考题掌握解题技巧2012年高考文综冲刺:高考政治常用的思维方法有几种2012年高考文综冲刺:政治主观试题如何做到充分地思2012年高考文综冲刺:高考政治图表题弄清问啥再动笔2012年高考文综冲刺:地理科目必考点集合2012高考语文试卷分析:文学作品阅读考点讲析
