From Washington, this is VOA News. President Obamaopens 8-day Asia tour in Japan. Ukraine formally calls onEaster truce with pro-Russian separatists. I’m RayKouguell, reporting from Washington.
President Obama is in Japan for the start of 4-nation tourof Asia where he will try to convince allies thatWashington is committed to its rebalancing in the Pacificregion. Security concerns over China’s territorial claimsand North Korea’s nuclear program will be a major focusof Mr.Obama’s trip. Besides Japan, he'll also visit SouthKorea, Malaysia and the Philippines. The 8-day touropened in Tokyo with a meeting with Prime MinisterShinzo Abe. Japan is embroiled in a growing dispute withBeijing over a group of uninhabited islands in the EastChina Sea.
The confirmed death toll from the South Korean ferrydisaster climbed to 150 Wednesday, one week after thepassenger boat capsized off the country’s southwestcoast. Divers are slowly working their way through thethird and fourth floors of the boat which is submergedupside down in murky waters and surrounded by a strongocean current. More than 150 other passengers aremissing and presumed dead. The captain and six crewmembers are under arrest. Most of the passengers werehigh school students, who were headed for an outing onthe resort island of Jeju.
The Australian Agency coordinating the search forMalaysia Airlines’ flight 370 says unidentified materialswashed ashore on western Australia and officials areinvestigating whether it’s related to the missing plane.The Joint Agency Coordination Center says officials arelooking at photographs of the material to determinewhether further physical analysis is required. A massivemultinational search uncovered no confirmed trace of theplane now 7 weeks after it disappeared mysteriouslywhile on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239people on board. Australian officials, however, arevowing to continue the search even as a roboticsubmarine is about to complete the first phase of its, sofar, unsuccessful scan of the Indian Ocean bottom.
Ukraine formally called off the Easter truce against pro-Russian separatists in the east and says anti-terroristoperations are on again and Russia is threatening toretaliate. Ukraine’s acting President Oleksandr Turchynovordered a resumption of anti-terrorist operations againstpro-Russian separatists who continued to occupygovernment buildings in several eastern Ukrainian cities.The presidential order followed discovery of 2 bodiesnear the rebel-held city of Slovyansk. In Moscow, RussianForeign Minister Sergei Lavrov told State TelevisionRussia would retaliate if its legitimate interests or theRussian people are attacked.
The two main Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas haveannounced a reconciliation deal, saying they will try toform a unity government in the coming weeks. Hamasand Fatah split violently in 2007 and have since dividedtheir people between two sets of rulers. It remainsunclear how this plan would succeed where pastattempts have repeatedly failed. But the US and Israelcondemned the agreement.
The World Health Organization says effective vaccinesagainst killer diseases are averting between 2 to 3 milliondeaths every year. Lisa Schlein reports. An increasingnumber of people in all age groups are being immunizedagainst preventable diseases. WHO director ofImmunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele says polio is on the verge of eradication. He saysmeasles in Africa has gone down dramatically and thedisease is being eliminated in the Americas and in thePacific region including China. He says the meningitisvaccine has been an outstanding success in saving lives inAfrica. He says Angola and Congo Brazzaville arelaunching the introduction of roto-virus vaccines into thenational health systems to coincide with WorldImmunization Week. Lisa Schlein, for VOA News, Geneva.
Kosovo’s lawmakers have approved a motion for aEuropean union -backed special court to try ethnicAlbanians accused of committing war crimes during the1998-99 war of Independence from Servia. Hundreds ofethnic Serb civilians were allegedly killed so their organscould be harvested and sold on the black market.
Afghanistan’s election commission is delaying release ofpreliminary results from the country’s April 5thpresidential election to allow more time to investigatepossible fraud. Partial results put former Afghan ForeignMinister Abdullah Abdullah in the lead with 44%, followedby former World Bank economist Ashraf Ghani with 33%.I’m Ray Kouguell, VOA News. More on the internet .
乌克兰宣布针对东部地区亲俄分裂分子的复活节停战活动正式取消,并表示恢复反恐行动,俄罗斯威胁称会采取措施进行报复。乌克兰代理总统图尔奇诺夫下令恢复针对亲俄分裂分子的反恐行动,目前这些亲俄分裂分子依旧占据着多个乌克兰东部城市的政府大楼。该总统令是在在斯拉维扬斯克发现了两具尸体后发布的, 目前该城仍由反叛分子控制。在莫斯科,俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫告诉俄罗斯国家电视台,如若俄罗斯的合法权益受到侵害或者俄罗斯人民受到攻击,俄罗斯将采取报复行动。