英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.52马丁·路德·金遇刺身亡
摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练
April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. is shot to death on a hotel (1)_____ in Memphis, Tennessee. The civil rights leader was 39 years old. "I've seen the (2)_____ land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land." James Earl Ray, King's (3)_____ assassin who later proclaims he's (4)_____ spends the rest of his life behind (5)_____ .
原文来源: 英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.52马丁·路德·金遇刺身亡
1841, President William Henry Harrison dies of (6)_____ , just one month after his (7)_____ . Harrison is the first US president to die in office, and his presidency remains the (8)_____ .
And 1974, In Cincinnati, Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 714th career (9)_____ , tying baseball (10)_____ Babe Ruth's record.
Today In History, April 4th, Carroll Bradley, the Associated Press.
(1) balcony(2) promised(3) confessed(4) innocent
(5) bars(6) pneumonia(7) inauguration(8) briefest
(9) home-run(10) great
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