英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.49美军攻占日本冲绳岛_英语听力-查字典留学网
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英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.49美军攻占日本冲绳岛


英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.49美军攻占日本冲绳岛

摘要: 了解世界历史,同时提高英语听力水平。经典历史新闻,与您一起回顾尘封的过去!取材于美联社官方网站的历史新闻视频,时长约为一分钟左右。所收集的历史新闻都是当年轰动全球的新闻,语言简练,知识性强,绝对是您练




April 1st, 2001, Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic is arrested on (1)_____ charges after a (2)_____ outside his Belgrade villa. Milosevic later stands trial in The Hague on war crimes charges, but he dies in (3)_____ in 2006 before his trial ends.

2003, "At this point she is safe. She's been (4)_____ . And some brave souls put their lives on the line to make this happen." American troops (5)_____ Army Private First Class Jessica Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah, Iraq, that's where Lynch been held prisoner since her unit was (6)_____ 9 days earlier.

原文来源: 英语听力:看世界历史练听力 NO.49美军攻占日本冲绳岛


听写提示:地名: Okinawa 冲绳岛; the Pacific: 太平洋

And 1984, (8)_____ singer Marvin Gay is shot to death by his father in Los Angeles, he was 45 years old.

Today In History, April 1st, Acdonald Hill, the Associated Press.




(7)1945, US forces invade the Japanese island of Okinawa, the last major military campaign of World War II in the Pacific.


《看世界历史练听力 NO.49美军攻占日本冲绳岛》由留学英语组编辑整理()
