英语资源网:初中英语作文:一本有趣的书(A interesting book)
2012年04月17日 02时20分,《英语资源网:初中英语作文:一本有趣的书(A interesting book)》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.
The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!It's very interesting.Althought I don't know much about religion,I am crazy about it!But my foreign teacher told me that some people who?believe in Jesus don't like this book.
They think the book tells something wrong .I?know nothing about religion ,so I am not sure is that ture.I think everything?has pros and cons,we should learn the good things from the?book and don't care about the bad things.Don't you think so?
Reading is very good for us ,we can learn lots of knowledge from books.Let's read .Books are the food of our spirit.
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