2011英语:高中英语作文:帮助有需要的人(Helping people in need)_英语作文-查字典留学网
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2011英语:高中英语作文:帮助有需要的人(Helping people in need)


2011英语:高中英语作文:帮助有需要的人(Helping people in need)

2012年04月17日 11时00分,《2011英语:高中英语作文:帮助有需要的人(Helping people in need)》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.

That winter afternoon the teacher didn't dismiss the class until 5:30 p.m.After I cleaned the classroom and left school. the streetlights had been on. Thinking that a pile of homework was waiting for me. I hurried home as quickly“my legs could carry me.

Suddenly I came across an old lady with a stick in one hand and book in the other, who asked the for the way to her friend's home. It was two blocks away in the opposite direction. However. I led her to her friend's home without hesitation. As it was a new residential quarter and the old lady was almost blind, it took us about 30 minutes to find it. After several mistakes we knocked at the right door,and out came the hostess, also an old lady.

Both the ladies thanked me repeatedly,sayi-ng it was God who sent an angel to help the old lady who lost her way.On that motnent it occurred to me that they must be Christians, and the book was obviously. Bible. I'd have told I am a Lwague member,but I hesitated. Instead,I said,“May God bless you both,”and ran home.

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