初中英语作文:初一英语作文 保持健康的方法
It's important for us to be healthy all our life. We can't study or work well without healthy body.
There're many ways to keep healthy. First of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus. After school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. If we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. Second, we should have a balanced diet. Finally, we must remember: "Early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise."
《初中英语作文:初一英语作文 保持健康的方法》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 空军招飞条件之文化条件英语教研组学期末总结英语教师年终个人总结雅思写作范文:那点事(1)英国哪个城市的英语最标准用英语介绍植树节应聘文体教师个人简历范文初中英语演讲稿有关五一节相关英语词汇内容英语专业去香港留学研究生的专业去向