高中英语作文:高二英语作文 The Best Way of Traveling
摘要: People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot. My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I t
星级老师 星级英语老师是通过层层筛选出来的,教学经验丰富,风格各有不同,点击进入课堂……[详细]
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People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.
My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus. net
When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.
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