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Work with a Person or Work with a Machine?

When asked about work preference, different people will give different answers. Some people like working with people. However, others prefer jobs which mainly involve objects or machines.

Those people who have the first preference believe working with people usually makes one feel interesting and efficient. In addition, they maintain people can be inspired to bring forward new ideas by communicating or consulting with those around them. However, still others have different preferences. In their opinions, working with objects or machines can make one enjoy more peace and quiet. Besides, they argue, under such peaceful conditions, one can do more practical work, improve his skill and make technical renovations.

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Weighing up these two kinds of work, I prefer working with people. For one thing, I like to cooperate with others and work in a team. For another, although there are competition and rivalry, we can learn something from other people. Considering these, I think, working with people is beneficial to our career development.

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