初中英语作文:初一英语作文范文 用过去时态描写夏令营
We went to a summer camp today. The weather was great. The mountains were really beautiful. We had great fun singing and dancing there. We had a lot of food and drinks with us. So we had a big lunch. I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice . my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much. It was so nice eating in the open air(在户外)。I was really tired but I had a good time.
《初中英语作文:初一英语作文范文 用过去时态描写夏令营》由留学英语组编辑整理()我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012高考英语作文必背经典100句(三)2012高考英语作文必背经典100句(二)2012高考英语作文必背经典100句(一)五篇最经典的高考英语满分作文高考英语复习如何冲刺临近高考的英语如何复习关于高考英语复习的几点专家建议专家分析:2012高考英语单项选择的出题特点2012雅思写作机经如何保证用词准确高考英语-考前冲刺有哪些策略