1. 简要描述这种现象;
2. 给状元们提一点建议。
1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
2. 参考词汇:
状元 Number One Scholar;
产品 product;
After the college entrance exams,some companies that sell learning products are always trying to do anything they can to make full use of Number One Scholars in order to sell their products.
In fact,it's not easy for students to become Number One Scholars. Most of them succeed not because of the products,but their proper way of learning and hard work. Every student has his own way of studying,so the Number One Scholars' experience may not be suitable for all the students. Most important of all,not all of these products are good enough to help us study.
I do hope that Number One Scholars can think of the poor students instead of themselves only.
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