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2011年10月12日 10时50分,《2011年英语:2011下半年英语四级考试作文背诵范文三》由查字典出国留学网英语编辑整理.


Importance of Education

China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority(优先)to the development of culture, science and especially education. In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation ‘s prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force, namely those who have been well educated. In a developing country such as China, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial(决定性的)for China to catch up with the developed nations in today’s surging(汹涌的) waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 美国高考考核录取标准该如何防止高考的误区高考落榜生可选择出国留学高考后赴加拿大留学最好的方案是“双录取”预估湖北2012年部分高校高考招收分数线山东:2012年高考志愿3号开始填报2012年高考招生:陕西省高考各批次录取时间安排2012年贵州省高考各批次录取时间安排2012年吉林省高考普通专科录取时间安排美国留学 双录取最适合高考学子 2011年英语:2011下半年英语四级考试作文背诵范文三


我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 美国高考考核录取标准该如何防止高考的误区高考落榜生可选择出国留学高考后赴加拿大留学最好的方案是“双录取”预估湖北2012年部分高校高考招收分数线山东:2012年高考志愿3号开始填报2012年高考招生:陕西省高考各批次录取时间安排2012年贵州省高考各批次录取时间安排2012年吉林省高考普通专科录取时间安排美国留学 双录取最适合高考学子
