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Tom had retired and lived lonely a long 1.______

way from town. He hardly never left his home. But 2._______

one day he went to town buy some things in the 3._______

market, and after he had bought it , he went 4._______

into a restaurant and sit down at a table by himself. 5._______

When he looked around, he saw several old peoples 6._______

put on glasses before reading their newspapers. So 7._______

after the lunch he decided to go to a store to buy 8_______

himself a pair of glasses, either, He walked 9._______

along a wide street and fast found a store. 10.______


My parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. 1.______

The word "divorce(离婚)" was repeated and broke my heart each time.

I had trapped between them and didn't know what to do. 2.______

A million thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could 3.______

ease my feelings. I rushed back to my room, seated down in 4.______

silence and stared out of the window. The leaves were floating in air. 5.______

They struggled trying to catch the wind and finally they had to fall 6.______

on the ground.I knew I was not the only one had gone through this. But 7.______

I must learn to fight against this. Later in the day I took up with a pen 8.______

and wrote down "It is until I take a step back and look at my family 9.______

that I can really appreciate this thing has helped me grow strong and 10._____




1. Lonely→alone 2. never→ever 3.buy前加to 4. it→them 5. sit→sat 6.peoples→people 7. √ 8.去掉 the 9. either→too 10. fast→quickly


1.all→both 2.had→was 3.nothing→none 4.seated→sat或后加myself 5.air前加the 6.and→but 7.had前加who 8.去掉with 9.until前加not 10.√

《2011年高考英语短文改错练习题13》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:/english/我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 雅思写作机经名师指导检查以及修改工作雅思写作提高老外的雅思9分例文及点评日语口语练习:表达"拒绝"日语口语教材:あ篇——油を売る雅思作文秘籍考试中的检查及修改2012雅思作文雅思A类Task1图表作文具体表达法雅思写作词汇2012:雅思考试写作部分常见失分点澳洲:澳大利亚留学生行李装什么?机械工程个人陈述五土木工程专业个人陈述
