您现在的位置: 留学网首页 >> 英语考试 >> 英语词汇 >> 中考英语语法:中考英语考纲及考纲词汇1














a (an) art

*ability n

able a

about prep & ad

above prep

abroad a & ad

*absent a

*accent n

accept v

accident n

*ache n

*achieve v

across prep

act n & v

action n

active a

activity n

*add v

address n

advantage n

advertisement n

advice n

*advise v

afford v

afraid a

after ad , prep & conj

afternoon n

again ad

against prep

age n

ago ad

agree v

*agreement n

air n


*airplane n

*airport n

alive a

all a & pron

allow v

almost ad

alone a

along ad & prep

aloud ad

already ad

also ad

although conj

always ad

America n

American a & n

among prep

*ancient a

and conj

angry a

animal n

another a & pron

answer n & v

*ant n

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 中考生要科学对待紧张情绪每个孩子其实都有“开学焦虑”假期玩“野”的心如何收回来呢?新初三生考前焦虑如何克服开学了 你该做好哪些准备?中考只是人生一小步2012年郑州15所高中接收分配生中考作文素材:名人名言(财富类)中考作文素材:名人名言汇编(幸福类)中考语文课外名著阅读汇总 中考英语语法:中考英语考纲及考纲词汇1

any pron & a

anybody pron

anyone pron

anything pron

*anyway ad

*anywhere ad

appear v

apple n

April n


arm n

*army n

around prep & ad

arrive v

art n

*article n

as ad, conj & prep

Asia n

*Asian a & n

ask v

asleep a

at prep

*Atlantic n & a

attention n

August n

aunt n

Australia n

Australian a & n

autumn n

*available a

*avoid n

*awake v

away ad


baby n

back ad & n

*background n

bad ( worse, worst) a

bag n

ball n

balloon n

bamboo n

banana n

bank n

*baseball n

*basic a

basket n

basketball n

*bathroom n

be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux v

beach n

bear? n

beat v & n

beautiful a

because conj

become (became, become) v

bed n

bedroom n

bee n

beef n

before prep, ad & conj

begin (began, begun) v

*behaviour n

behind prep

believe v

bell n

below prep

beside prep

besides prep & ad

between prep

*beyond prep

big a

bike =bicycle n

bill n

bird n

*birth n

birthday n

*biscuit n

bit n

*bitter a

black a & n

blackboard n

blind a

*blood n

blow (blew, blown) v

blue? n & a

board n

boat n

body n

book n

boring a

born a

borrow v

*boss n

both pron & a

bottle n

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 中考生要科学对待紧张情绪每个孩子其实都有“开学焦虑”假期玩“野”的心如何收回来呢?新初三生考前焦虑如何克服开学了 你该做好哪些准备?中考只是人生一小步2012年郑州15所高中接收分配生中考作文素材:名人名言(财富类)中考作文素材:名人名言汇编(幸福类)中考语文课外名著阅读汇总 中考英语语法:中考英语考纲及考纲词汇1

bottom n

bowl n

box n

boy n

*brain n

brave a

bread n

break (broke, broken) v & n

breakfast n

*breath n

breathe v

bridge n

bright a

bring (brought, brought) v

brother n

brown n & a

brush v & n

build (built, built) v

building n

burn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) v

bus n

business n

busy a

but conj

butter n

*butterfly n

buy (bought, bought) v

by prep

bye interj


*cabbage n

cake n

call v & n

camel n

camera n

*camp n & v

can modal v

Canada n

*cancel v

candle n

cancer n

candy n

cap n

capital n

*captain n

car n

card n

care v & n

careful a

careless a

carry v

cat n

catch (caught, caught) v

cause n & v

CD n

*CD-ROM n.

*ceiling n

celebrate v

cent n

centre n

*common a

*communicate v

*communication n

company n

*compare v

*competition n

*complete a & v

*composition n

computer n

concert n

*condition n

*conference n

connect v

*consider v

*continue v

*control v

conversation n

cook v & n

*cooker n

cool a

copy n & v

corner n

correct v & a

cost v & n

cotton n & a

cough n & v

could modal v

count v

country n

countryside n

*couple n

*courage n

*course n

cousin n

cover n & v

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 中考生要科学对待紧张情绪每个孩子其实都有“开学焦虑”假期玩“野”的心如何收回来呢?新初三生考前焦虑如何克服开学了 你该做好哪些准备?中考只是人生一小步2012年郑州15所高中接收分配生中考作文素材:名人名言(财富类)中考作文素材:名人名言汇编(幸福类)中考语文课外名著阅读汇总 中考英语语法:中考英语考纲及考纲词汇1

cow n

*crayon n

*crazy a

*create v

cross v & n

*cruel a

cry n & v

culture n

cup n

cut (cut, cut) v & n


《中考英语考纲及考纲词汇1》由留学编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 中考生要科学对待紧张情绪每个孩子其实都有“开学焦虑”假期玩“野”的心如何收回来呢?新初三生考前焦虑如何克服开学了 你该做好哪些准备?中考只是人生一小步2012年郑州15所高中接收分配生中考作文素材:名人名言(财富类)中考作文素材:名人名言汇编(幸福类)中考语文课外名著阅读汇总
