高考英语语法:2010年高考英语语法精讲一 名词
《2010年高考英语语法精讲一 名词》由查字典出国留学网编辑整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。
名词的格:通格和属格 (’s )
其它限定词, 例如: some, many , this, my 等
1)复型名词 + 复数动词
The trousers are too big for me. Please show me the smaller pair.
备用词: shoes, stockings, glasses, socks
NOTICE: A pair of glasses costs quite a lot.
2)复型名词 + 单数动词
A. The news on TV is seldom satisfying.
备用词:mathematics, physics, politics, means, works, the United States
B. Twenty miles is a long way to walk.
备用词: five pounds, two feet, six weeks
3) 集合名词 + 复数名词
The police have surrounded the building.
Cattle are selling for record price (创记录).
备用词: the enemy, (the) people
NOTICE: 表示由若干人组成的集合体的单数词常可作复数用,
My family are wonderful. They do all they can for me.
The family which now consists of four members at most is smaller than it used to be.
A. 部分不可数名词可以有下列情况
a (an) + adj. + n.
It looks like rain. a thirsty for knowledge(求知欲)
a heavy rain He has a good knowledge of politics.
备用词: snow, breakfast, wine, oil, education
A (One) beer, please.
Two teas and four coffees, please.
I broke a glass this morning. (杯子)
Glass is made from sand. (玻璃)
备用词: paper / a paper, light(光) / a light(灯);
ice(冰) / an ice (冰激凌), chicken(鸡肉) / a chicken (雏鸡)
6) 单位词
a piece of information (furniture, advice…)
B. 以形状表示个数
a grain of rice, a flight of stairs
C. 容量
a box of matches, a cup of tea
D. 计量
a metre of cloth, a ton of coal
a (new) set of tools (wires, teeth, rules)
1)’ s 的用法
A . 与时间有关的名词
a night’s sleep ten minutes’ walk
NOTICE: a two-hour walk = two hours’walk
B. 和else 连用
book can this be?
A. Who else’s
B. Whose else
C. Who’s else
D. Whose else’s
C. ‘s 修饰的词,如果前面提到,可省略
This is Jack’s book, not Tom’s.
This book is Jack’s not Tom’s.
D. 表示店、铺、家、诊所等, ‘s 后面的名词省略
at the Green’s (house), at the doctor’s (office)
2) OF 结构表示所有关系
A. 无生命的名词用of
the price of the success
B. 有生命的名词被一个短语或从句修饰而表示所有关系时用of
Can’t you look at the book of the boy behind you?
‘s 与of结构并用,此时of结构所修饰的名词前通常有a, an, two, some, that等
Miss Smith is a friend of Mary’s mother’s.
that brother of the girl
4)名词 + 名词 (名词用作形容词)
A. 单数名词+名词a shoe (flower) shop ticket office
NOTICE: the tailor’s (shop)
B. 复数名词+名词
sports meet clothes shop women pilots
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留学网编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 日语口语教材:《大家的日语1》语法整理1~10课日语口语练习:学习上网相关词汇日语口语学习:标准日语句型学习(1)日语口语练习:标准日语句型学习(8)日语口语常用教程:电视小说相关词汇日语口语教材:《大家的日语1》语法整理21课日语口语学习网站:《大家的日语1》语法整理12课日语口语学习:日语常用接尾词1雅思备考捷径多看一分钟题干 节省五分钟阅读阅读阅读技巧:俄语初级单词(三)