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选择题:1. The old man _____the house since he moved in.A. hasn’t been away B. hasn’t left C. hasn’t been left D. had left

2. Could you tell me______Mr Li visited yesterday牽A. who B.swheresC. how D. why

3.______ is not as noisy ason that island.A. They B. Here C.It D. There

4. Why don’t you get ______to read when you are free牽A. nothing B. som ething C. everything D. anything

5.---When shall we meet: this evening or tom orrow evening牽---I don’t mind._______time is OK.A. All B. Both C. Every D. Either

6.______W hat did you______at the meeting____I didn’t______at all.A. say…tell B. say…speak C. speak…told D. speak…say

7.I don’t know ______made him do that.A. why B. what C. which D. whom

8. Frank is the kind of person whom people like to______.A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends D. make friends with

9. No one knew Mr Benson’s address______his daughter.A. except B. beside C. besides D. except for

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012年上海市普通高校招生录取日程安排留学归国:上海职能部门联合为归国留学生举行政策征留学归国:上海市欧美同学会黄浦分会成立留学归国:海外引才政策易成“睡美人” 专家吁善用高校人才招聘网:上海市农业广播电视学校工作人员2005-2011年上海市高考各批次录取控制分数线参考上海市江宁路社区党建和社区建设计划2012年高考上海市成绩查询2012上海市房地产买卖居间合同2012上海市二手车买卖合同范本 中考英语语法:上海市中考英语辅导--题库

10. When the tem perature has dropped to______point:we’ll get very_______.A. freezing…frozen B. frozen…frozen C. freezing…freezing D. frozen…freezing (复兴初级中学 夏凤)

《上海市中考英语辅导--题库》由查字典出国留学网编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012年上海市普通高校招生录取日程安排留学归国:上海职能部门联合为归国留学生举行政策征留学归国:上海市欧美同学会黄浦分会成立留学归国:海外引才政策易成“睡美人” 专家吁善用高校人才招聘网:上海市农业广播电视学校工作人员2005-2011年上海市高考各批次录取控制分数线参考上海市江宁路社区党建和社区建设计划2012年高考上海市成绩查询2012上海市房地产买卖居间合同2012上海市二手车买卖合同范本
