Dear editor,
In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place. 1.______
Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere. In 2.______
order to build house and grow more crops, people cut down 3.______
more and more trees. With time went on, the whole forest was 4.______
almost destroyed. Gradually the green hills have changed into 5.______
wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us now and then, from 6.______
which we suffer a lot. However, I do hope all the people should 7.______
realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. 8.______
What's more, they should take good care of the forests and plant 9.______
trees instead cutting them down to improve our living conditions. 10._____
When I found out that my train would three hours 1.______
late, I changed my idea and would get a bus instead. 2.______
I was about to rush out of the train station while a 3.______
well-dressed old man took me by my arm, "Young 4.______
lady," said the gentleman, "Shouldn't you find out 5.______
the bus schedule (时刻表) before you rush out catch the 6.______
bus ". I stared at him with my mouth opened. How did 7.______
he read my mind? Before I can say a word, he added, 8.______
"You see, my train is also running late. A same idea 9.______
came to me. But I think a good conversation that can 10.______
help pass the time. Before you know it, your train will be there."
1.去掉was 2.去掉in 3.house→houses 4.With→As或went →going 5.√ 6.struck→strike 7.However→So 8.terribly→terrible 9.they→we 10.instead后加of
1. would后加 be 2. get→ take 3. while → when 4. my→ the 5. √ 6. catch前加 to 7. opened →open 8. can→could 9. A→The 10. 去掉 that
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