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(事) thing:An event,a fact,a subject.

He talked of many interesting things.

(事情) matter:Seth that you have to deal with,something to be discussed,thought over.

There are several matters to be dealt with at the meeting.

(事务 责任) business:A special duty,something that has to be done.

Public business is every one's business.

(事务) affair:An event or set of connected events. (pl) private and personal life.

I have many affairs to look after.

(事件) event:An important happening. Events such as birthdays and anniversaries are often celebrated.

Do you know the chief events of 1986.

incident:Not as important as an event. Incidents seldom are celebrated. Sometimes an event becomes an incident after many years have passed.

(偶然事件) happening:An occurrence,and sometimes an unusual one.

There have been strange happenings here lately.

(偶发事件) occurrence:An incident that is usually unexpected and has not been planned ahead of time.

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 巴拉圭国会通过校园反霸凌法[日语原文]社会:「護身用として普段からナイフ携[日语学习网]新闻:宮沢りえ離婚へ「考え方の違いgre王牌词汇:2012年GRE考试重点词汇精讲二十五出国留学:异国留学如何更好保护自己欧洲:留学安全事件频发引关注 媒体吁留学生学会保雅思口语高分秘笈之7.26上海口语考试回忆在澳留学生遇袭事件发酵逾三千学生请愿声援悉尼:澳新州州长就中国留学生遇袭道歉 留学安全受也该重视的问题:学生对老师的不实指控 高考英语语法:高中英语语法-常见的英语同义词(五)之一

Flood is practically an annual occurrence in this district.


admit:To agree to the truth of,usu,something bad.

It suggests reluctance or possible objection.

He admitted his crime/stealing.

(自白 供认) confess:To admit guilt as to a crime or as to a shortcoming,in the sense of making known to others one's own error or wrong doing.

He confessed his fault/doing something wrong.

acknowledge:to agree the truth of,recognize the fact or existence of what have said or done,good or bad.

It emphasizes openly in a embarrassing or awkward and usually not voluntary way.

I acknowledged my signature/mistakes/errors/having been defeated.

grant:To admit or to agree something is true.

I granted his request/his honesty.

take sth/sb for granted.

concede:To admit as true,just or proper often unwillingly because of overwhelming evidence.

I conceded you that point,but I still think you are wrong.

recognize:To accept or acknowledge it.

It refers to something about law and diplomacy.

The new regime was recognized by China.


walk:The most general one.

stride:To walk with long steps.

He strode through the station a few minutes before the train left.

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 巴拉圭国会通过校园反霸凌法[日语原文]社会:「護身用として普段からナイフ携[日语学习网]新闻:宮沢りえ離婚へ「考え方の違いgre王牌词汇:2012年GRE考试重点词汇精讲二十五出国留学:异国留学如何更好保护自己欧洲:留学安全事件频发引关注 媒体吁留学生学会保雅思口语高分秘笈之7.26上海口语考试回忆在澳留学生遇袭事件发酵逾三千学生请愿声援悉尼:澳新州州长就中国留学生遇袭道歉 留学安全受也该重视的问题:学生对老师的不实指控 高考英语语法:高中英语语法-常见的英语同义词(五)之一

(高视阔步) stalk:To walk stiffly,slowly,and proudly with long steps.

trot:To jog,move quickly,usu refers to horses.

(蹒跚而行) waddle:To walk from side to side with short steps like a duck.

The fat man waddled out of the room.

(蹒跚) stagger:To walk unsteadily,slide and drag the feet almost

falling at each step,usually because of illness,injury or drink.

After drinking too much,he staggered in the street.

(摇摆蹒跚) totter:To walk unsteadily showing great weakness often used

of very young children learning to walk. The child tottered before his parents.

(拖着脚走) shuffle:To move without lifting the feet clear of the floor as if wearing slippers.

The old man shuffled along the road.

(趾高气扬地走) strut To walk in a proud strong way,esp. with the chest out and trying to look important.

(慢行) amble:To walk at an easy gentle rate.

It stresses a leisurely but regular movement.

(闲逛) stroll:To walk,esp. slowly,for pleasure.

It emphasizes a slower movement,more wandering and aimless with suggestions of many starts and pauses.

They are strolling through this park.

saunter:A little more formal than stroll.

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 巴拉圭国会通过校园反霸凌法[日语原文]社会:「護身用として普段からナイフ携[日语学习网]新闻:宮沢りえ離婚へ「考え方の違いgre王牌词汇:2012年GRE考试重点词汇精讲二十五出国留学:异国留学如何更好保护自己欧洲:留学安全事件频发引关注 媒体吁留学生学会保雅思口语高分秘笈之7.26上海口语考试回忆在澳留学生遇袭事件发酵逾三千学生请愿声援悉尼:澳新州州长就中国留学生遇袭道歉 留学安全受也该重视的问题:学生对老师的不实指控 高考英语语法:高中英语语法-常见的英语同义词(五)之一

(漫步 徘徊) wander:To move about without a fixed course,aim,or purpose.

He was wandering about/down/through/up and down the street.

(漫游) roam:To wander with as very clear aim.

It suggests a more serious purpose behind the irregular

of circular movement in complete forgetfulness of time.

The lovers roamed around/through the fields.

(跋涉) trudge:To walk heavily and wearily with effort as when one (plod) is tired.

The hunter was trudging through the deep snow.

(重步行走) tramp:To walk with firm heavy steps.

Who has been tramping all over the carpet in muddy shoes.


mince:To walk with little short steps in an affected manner.

It was a funny sight to see her mince along.

slouch:To walk in a loose,ungainly (不雅观) way.

hustle:To walk in a busy,active way.


jump:The most general one. to throw oneself into the air.


leap:(literary) To spring through the air,often

《高中英语语法-常见的英语同义词(五)之一》由英语编辑整理,更多请访问:/english/我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 巴拉圭国会通过校园反霸凌法[日语原文]社会:「護身用として普段からナイフ携[日语学习网]新闻:宮沢りえ離婚へ「考え方の違いgre王牌词汇:2012年GRE考试重点词汇精讲二十五出国留学:异国留学如何更好保护自己欧洲:留学安全事件频发引关注 媒体吁留学生学会保雅思口语高分秘笈之7.26上海口语考试回忆在澳留学生遇袭事件发酵逾三千学生请愿声援悉尼:澳新州州长就中国留学生遇袭道歉 留学安全受也该重视的问题:学生对老师的不实指控
