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A. we've been looking after B. after which we're been looking

C. what we've been looking after D. we've been taking care for

44.Which sentence is wrong?

A. The school in which she once studied is not large.

B. The school which she once studied is not large.

C. The school that she once studied in is not large.

D. The school she once studied in is not large.

45.It was just the same with the offical it had been with the Minister.

A. that B. what C. as D. which

46.In the days all these things are to be answered for, I want you and yours to answer for them.

A. which B. / C. when D. as

47.He is the man he used to be.

A. / B. which C. whom D. what

48.He is the man we should all learn from.

A. whose B. which C. whom D. what

49.That's the only things we can do now.

A. whose B. what C. all D. that

50.This is a place

《高中英语语法-高二定语从句专练之六》由留学编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 雅思写作模板:详解雅思作文5分和6分的决定性差别雅思写作模板:论之连贯突破雅思口语关:雅思口语经典句型雅思写作范文:突破雅思“长难句”拎出句子主谓宾雅思作文范文:英文财经报道的特点—句法结构雅思备考心得:状语从句的简化雅思备考捷径四个月总分6.5到7.5,写作5.5到7.5名师指点雅思备考:定语从句雅思靠前复习必读语法与英媒:联络我们
