中考英语模拟试题:2012中考英语专项训练 完成句子(10)答案_英语教材-查字典留学网
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中考英语模拟试题:2012中考英语专项训练 完成句子(10)答案


中考英语模拟试题:2012中考英语专项训练 完成句子(10)答案

摘要: 1. more than/over ten months since 2. so kind to. regarded her as 3. At top of the page,type in the website. 4. When I got to the check-out,I realized I had left my purse at home. 5. Please tell

1. more than/over ten months since

2. so kind to. regarded her as

3. At top of the page,type in the website.

4. When I got to the check-out,I realized I had left my purse at home.

5. Please tell me whether it’s a fast train.

6. Hainan Island is the place to be,whether it’s summer or winter.

7. I have a beautiful sister with big eyes.

8. either,or

9. bought,though/although

10. How about

11. take off

12. by plane/air

13. She is very weak and she often catchs cold.

14. Excuse me,how can I get to the railway station?

15. sold very well

16. The price of ,at least

17. written language ,both,and

18. In the old days,as

19. It is said that,been to

20. knocked down

21. sooner or later

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