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:How to improve my community.


:How to improve my community.

TOEFL(165) You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the community where you live. What is one thing you will do to improve your community? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

What can I do to improve my community as being a member of it? Recently, after seeing a blind person hit by a car when crossing the street, I decide to become a volunteer to help those people in need to cross the road safely. It could be quite a good choice considering their practical difficulties, the present traffic situation and my personal condition.

Firstly, many people in my community actually have some difficulties when they are traveling alone, especially those old and blind. They are physically weak and helpless, thus could not take care of themselves in the busy hour, for instance in the morning or afternoon. Besides, those blind are not able to see the red or green lights when they are intending to go to the opposite side. Considering their actual needs, my efforts might be quite useful for them.

Secondly, the traffic becomes heavier and heavier when increasing people own their private cars. However, they might have less time to respond some unexpected situations. Even though they could have enough time to stop the car, the driver behind them has not enough time to do the same, and eventually cause another serious accident. As a result, a tragedy happens, bringing many misfortunes to their families. Being a volunteer, I would try my best to avoid this disaster emerging.

我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 英媒:联络我们2012英国:《留学英国》播客英国签证:英国边境管理局 2012年新语言测试标准gre词汇备考:常见词根词缀整理(3)gre词汇表:常见词根词缀整理(1)2012gre词汇:常见词根词缀整理(2)高中英语语法:高中英语语法 ing用法专项练习题初中英语语法:初中英语语法 宾语从句专项练习(附答高考英语语法:2011年高考英语短文改错练习题15英媒2012:图辑:庸俗幽默卡片引人一笑 :How to improve my community.

Thirdly, since I just have only a little spare time each month, I could not choose the things which require much time, such as taking care of the orphans, being a family tutor for the poor. In this situation, helping people to cross the road would be a considerable good choice for I could decide when according to my time-schedule without any restriction.

As a part of my local community, I would like to spend my spare time on helping the old or blind to cross the road. I will feel proud that with my efforts I could reduce the accidents based on my practical situation.

《How to improve my community.》由留学英语组编辑整理()我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 英媒:联络我们2012英国:《留学英国》播客英国签证:英国边境管理局 2012年新语言测试标准gre词汇备考:常见词根词缀整理(3)gre词汇表:常见词根词缀整理(1)2012gre词汇:常见词根词缀整理(2)高中英语语法:高中英语语法 ing用法专项练习题初中英语语法:初中英语语法 宾语从句专项练习(附答高考英语语法:2011年高考英语短文改错练习题15英媒2012:图辑:庸俗幽默卡片引人一笑
