The earliest money in China called but money. 1. _____________
Later, other type of coin was used with holes 2. _____________
on it, and these were used for the next 3. _____________
2 000 years. Now it is common of money 4. _____________
to have a head of a famous people 5. _____________
on one side and a name of the country 6. _____________
on the other side. Coins can be made 7. _____________
of many different kinds of metals mixing 8. _____________
together. The earliest coins in the western 9. _____________
are made of gold and silver. 10. _____________
答案:1.was called 2.other→another 3.on →in 4. of →for 5. people→person 6.a →the 7. √ 8. mixing→mixed 9.western→west 10.are→were
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