1. We are living more_________(幸福) than we used to.
2. To keep ________(健康) is more important than to keep lots of money.
3. Tom is in good ________(健康). He is doing sports every day.
4. The children here eat _________(健康) and they are taken good care of.
5. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the ________(健康) you will be.
6. It began to rain ________(大) just when we were about to leave.
7. Help y_________ to some fruit, my kids!
8. After he took the pills, Tom felt even w________.
9. The machine was ________(发明) in the 1980s.
10. I wasn’t _________(邀请) to the party, so I was angry with him.
11. March comes before A________.
12. The funny story he told made all l________.
13. The s_________ on his face shows he is pleased with what we have done.
14. ---Which do you like b_______, science or history?
---Science, of course. You know, history is l______ interesting than science.
15. How ________(幸运) I was to catch the last bus!
16. __________(幸运), I didn’t hurt myself badly in the accident.
17. ---What do you m_________ by Nie Dao in Ningbo dialect?
---The m_______ of the word is SILLY or FOOLISH in English.
18. September is the n_________ of the year.
我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012北京西城四大名校录取线可能降6分左右沈阳省重点批次录取工作7月21日进行沈阳中考优秀考生分享学习经验2012年宁德中考考生申请查核分数工作的通知中考榜首考生郭祎来:超前学习下节课内容2012年中考百日冲刺英语学习计划中考前 家长帮助孩子面对恐惧中考前看不进书怎么办?15条考生在考试时应严格遵守的规定怎样才能有效解决模拟考试中暴露的问题? 中考英语动态:09中考单词拼写专项训练(2)
19. He was born in the _________(东北) of the country.
20. He received many p_______ from his friends on his _______ (二十) birthday.
21. ---Which is q_______, a car or a train? ---Trains run more q_________.
22. He bought two ________(收音机) and gave them to the children as presents.
23. ---Shall we go? ---No. We are not r________.
24. I can’t r_________ her name. I am forgetful.
25. I have written him several letters but I have never received a single r________/a_______.
26. I did well in the exams. I am expecting to get my school ________(报告单).
27. The alarm-clock failed to wake me up. It didn’t r_______ this morning.
28. After school, the students said g________ to each other and then went back home.
29. She is good at singing. She wants to be a s________ in the future.
30. Drive carefully and s_______ on the icy road!
北京四中 中考英语语法知识难点
《09中考单词拼写专项训练(2)》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 2012北京西城四大名校录取线可能降6分左右沈阳省重点批次录取工作7月21日进行沈阳中考优秀考生分享学习经验2012年宁德中考考生申请查核分数工作的通知中考榜首考生郭祎来:超前学习下节课内容2012年中考百日冲刺英语学习计划中考前 家长帮助孩子面对恐惧中考前看不进书怎么办?15条考生在考试时应严格遵守的规定怎样才能有效解决模拟考试中暴露的问题?