1.sun son
2.too two to
3.see sea
4.our hour
5.there their
6.where wear
7.meet meat
8.right write
9.four for
10.bye by buy
11.be bee
12.I eye
13.are ah
14.here hear
15.week weak
16.hi high
17.pear pair
18.whole hole
19.weather whether
20.no know
21.dear deer
22.story storey
23.mail male
24.steal steel
25.tail tale
26.hair hare
1.Bb be bee
2.Cc see sea
3.Ii eye
4.Oo oh
5.Pp pea
6.Qq queue
7.Rr are ah
8.Tt tea
9.Uu you
10.Yy why
1.aren’t aunt
2.red read(过去式/过去分词的发音)
3.eight ate
4.theirs there’s
5.father farther
6.one won
7.through threw
8.wore war
9.would wood
10.new knew
11.blue blew
12.whose who’s
13.knows nose
14.its it’s
15.past passed
16.road rode(ride的过去式)
17.ours hours
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