Unit 1 Hello, I'm Sam.
词汇 a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser (一级) 句型 1. Hi! I’m Pat. 2. This is my new book. (一级) 3. Nice to see you. /Nice to see you, too! 4. Who is this girl? /This is Jill. (一级) 语法点 my, your, his(一级) 自然拼读 a Unit 2 It's a goat.
词汇 a horse, a fish, a turtle, a duck, a cow, a chicken, a goat, a rabbit, a dog, a frog, a sheep, a cat(一级) 句型 1. What’s this, Mr. Li? /It’s a goat. 2. It’s a long tail. 语法点 It’s a…(一级) 自然拼读 e Unit 3 I like apples.
词汇 apples, grapes, bananas, mango(e)s, pears, grapefruits, oranges, peaches, pineapples, coconuts, watermelons, lemons(一级) 句型 1. I like bananas. (一级) 2. I don’t like bananas, but I like peaches. (一级) 3. Would you like an apple? (一级)Yes, please. /No, Thanks. 4. Me too. (一级) 5. Here you are! (一级) 语法点 n单复数(一级) a/an(一级) 自然拼读 o Unit 4 What's in my hat?
词汇 a clock, a baseball, a hat, a table, a turtle, a pig, a fish, a bird, a pen, fun, time, friend 句型 1. What’s in my/the hat/bag/box/desk/hand? 2. What’s on the table? 语法点 in, on(一级) 自然拼读 i Unit 5 My body and the monsters
词汇 身体部位名词: hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级) 动词: clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级) 句型 1. He’s got three eyes... (一级) 2. We can see with our eyes. (一级) 3. What can you see?/ I can see a book. 语法点 can(一级) 自然拼读 u Unit 6 Let's play games.
词汇 身体部位名词: hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级) 动词: clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级) 句型 1. He’s got three eyes... (一级) 2. We can see with our eyes. (一级) 3. What can you see?/ I can see a book. 语法点 can(一级) 自然拼读 u Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party
词汇 身体部位名词: hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级) 动词: clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级) 句型 1. He’s got three eyes... (一级) 2. We can see with our eyes. (一级) 3. What can you see?/ I can see a book. 语法点 can(一级) 自然拼读 u Unit 8 Colors around us
词汇 new, street, nice, beautiful, live, lot, wait, hurry, truck, lorry, different, favorite 句型 1. What’s red? The apple is red. 2. Do you like blue? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 自然拼读 i_e 《剑桥少儿英语一级上1-8单元考点总结》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 英语演讲技巧小学五年级英语教师教学工作总结英国留学 申请硕士留学最好先读预科雅思备考:如何通过练习来培养英语语感雅思备考:如何处理英语复习中的误区大学生有关青春励志的英语演讲稿经典校园英语演讲稿范文参考英语演讲稿(中英文):青春是什么英语演讲稿:奥运题材精彩语句英语演讲稿:迎国庆中英文演讲稿