study and work
house and apartment,your favorite room
writing skills and communication
how to keep healthy?(疑似换题题目)
trees and forest(疑似换题题目)
a type of music that is popular in your country
a decision you regret about(疑似换题题目)
a place people go to to listen to music(疑似换题题目)
a special meal (part3 eat at home or restaurant?)
a famous artist in your country(疑似换题题目)
a polite person
a rule at school you agree or disagree with(part3:rules 疑似换题题目)
a person with an important job
an important plant in your country
a traffic jam
the first time you met a close friend of yours
a good parent you know
原文来源: 雅思口语:2013.5.11大陆雅思口语考试机经回顾
口语回忆1、澳大利亚:part1:耐心,学生或工作,最好的时间学习。 part2:what you do stay health Part3:和健康有关的探讨
口语回忆2、墨尔本RMIT考场:p1:哪来?住house还是apartment?喜欢森林吗?在中国哪些地方有树木?p2:a rule made by school p3:学校应不应该制定rule?公司应不应该制定rule?你觉得是否应该制定这些rule?
口语回忆3、in Hobart, Australia. Section 1, talking about trees. Do you think places with trees could attract more visitors? 2, describe one thing that makes you happy. 3, money and happiness. & do you reckon happiness comes from money or relationships?
口语回忆4、广州仲恺 R501 这尼马是遇见新题了吗?P1 busy P2 a rule at school you agree or disagree p3:friend: what's the character u value most when making friends?is family important for building character? friend's infulence as important as family?…
口语回忆5、廈大rm303 考官英國人標準的英國腔 part1最愛的房間 壓力part2特別的一餐 part3出去吃和在家吃 從食品安全這件事學到什麼
口语回忆6、沈师rm13,欧洲老奶奶,还算nice偶尔会笑会表示同意,part1,hometown,weather还有一个没记住,part2满意的购物经历,part3,因为我说的东西是网购的问了一堆关于shopping online的话题
口语回忆7、长沙!新题part2 rules in school;一棵树;室外的野炊;
口语回忆8、澳洲悉尼UNSW考点,pt1,住在哪里,最喜欢哪个房间,计划要搬家吗;衣服,小时候谁帮你挑衣服,现在喜欢什么衣服,会给朋友挑衣服吗。pt2, describe a job that you would like to do. pt3, 教育 future career, motivation in company etc...
口语回忆9、rm07济南山大part1study major internet part2a gift you gave to a person part3你认为送什么礼物给小孩好?有助于他们什么?商人之间送礼物可以吗?违反法律么?
口语回忆10、深圳赛格VIP4。被分配到第一场口语,实在没有脾气了,P1 apartment or house, about writing P2 a polite person P3 各种polite 考官是亚洲人,我问他是不是香港人被否了,很有激情的青年男子,表情和肢体语言很丰富,反正都分手了
口语回忆11、广外 R414 13:40亚裔男考官 p1name, live in house or apartment ,会不会搬家 ……p2别人来家里做客的场合 p3关于做客各种讨论 考官一副不耐烦的样子,数次打断我
口语回忆12、东南大学424 第一部分问了apartment or house, toy, tree 第二部分interesting person 这个没准备直接说了朋友,感觉跑题了 第三部分问了家庭对孩子性格的影响,没说几句就被打断问下一题QAQ
口语回忆13、电子科大 rm3. part1名字专业学习能力最强的时候 part2.interesting country patr3关于旅游
口语回忆14、电子科大,RM2,目测是的北欧人,语速很快,倒是人多Nice的。p1.房子类型2.你爱你家么。。还有1个想不起了p2 perfect vacation away from home p3宅和外出各自的好处 为什么中国人喜欢组团去旅游 你觉得昂贵的旅游和便宜的旅游哪个更好 你更喜欢哪一个
口语回忆15、华东师范515,美国口音三十岁左右男考官。part1:study or work-do u think too much work to do,is music important in Chinese culture.part 2:advertisement 雅思哥命中。part3:那种媒体传播最有效(类似新闻传播的作文预测)政府是否应该控制广告传播
口语回忆16、杭州202 p1 boat的很多问题,住哪里,家庭,以后想拥有什么样的home(我说想生两个娃可以么)p2迟到的经历,没有重点准备,给跪。P3准时重要吗?什么样的人要准时,老人和年轻人准时什么的,还有个变态题就是什么国家人更要准时(agricultural还有个没听清)
口语回忆17、上海财大302,work or study,tree attract more visitors, live in a place with lots of trees, rules
口语回忆18、海外场,今天考的时候part1还问了一个cooking的,谁给你做饭,第一次做饭做的什么,在中国有很多人看cooking program吗?你想去上cooking class吗?part2问的是electroncic equipment是否increase quality of life, how
口语回忆19、湖大教五R01 印度口音呵呵,有点不耐烦。part1业余爱好,写作,睡眠part2language u want to learn part3跟预测的差不多。