您现在的位置: 留学网首页 >> 雅思 >> 雅思机经 >> 雅思机经:2012.1.13/14/15/16雅思口语机经考题(二)




下面是2012年1月13日雅思口语机经的内容,无论考的好坏下了雅思战场就有好多同学给大家分享自己的来自不同考区的体会和机经,想要更好的备考下面的雅思口语考试,我们需要参考一下2012年1月13日雅思口语考题的内容。 版本9:Melbourne Australia AU165. roomT112. P1: name, country, work or study, subject studied&why, school, noise P2: if you got lots of money, what will u buy? whats that? why do u want buy it? P3: what will parents buy for there children? why? is that good? why do people prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it now? what will be the impacts on the environment as people throw things away?

版本10:厦门蹲点:part1:names,hometown,family,study and work,house and apartment。part2-3:a job you want to do in the future,a family event,a job that can make the world better。

part1:hobby,painting,dancing 。part2-3:an old people you know,the oldest person you know,your favorite type of music。

版本11:深圳 rm19 考官年轻女性棕色头发 p1:major name bird p2:a sport game you have take in p3:你国的人喜欢什么运动为什么全世界的人都喜欢某种运动 男人比女人更喜欢运动吗 你喜欢看现场还是看电视比赛等等

版本12:深圳賽格room5 part1 name, sports part2 healthy people i know,why part3 swimming

版本13:苏州room272女考官很nice!p1住house还是apartment,什么样,book,collcet things。p2film。p3,在家看电影好还是在电影院好,电影和阅读相比的教育意义,喜欢中国电影还是外国电影等。。。

版本14:昆明room09大胡子 part1:home,work,part2:interesting ship,part3:shipping

版本15:合肥room402,英国帅哥,三十岁左右,很标准的英音part1:邻居,花园,还有不记得了,part2:a place in another country you would like to go


