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12月6日TASK2(A)我有stupid and simple ideas
12月6日A类TASK2又传来了阵阵叫惨声,有难度的题目总能让我兴奋起来—不好意思,绝对不是幸灾乐祸,而是燃起写范文的欲望。可是当我盯着这个题目开始brainstorming时,想起了许多高中生甚至初中生在New Zealand or Australia or Britain呆了一年半载回来补习英语准备考雅思,有少数那么一些家伙连一句象样的英语都不会讲,还有更多的人只要说出超过5个单词就会出错。咳!都不知道他们的父母。。。。。。不说了,偏题了。言归正传,他们给予了我simple and stupid ideas, which would probably drive today’s examinees mad!!! Ok! Let’s get started:
(TOPIC)Differences between countries have become less evident, so we can enjoy the same films, brands and TV programs. To what extent do you think the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages?
我以为,to a great extent the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
Initially, let’s discuss the advantages. A good way to keep homesickness away when studying in another country. Furthermore, so much in common ----helps people all over the world to lead amore enjoyable and prosperous life.
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However, such a phenomenon is absolutely no more than a mixed blessing, which is more likely to be supposed to overthrow all the merits. Now let’s turn to examine the disadvantages of it.The first evidence has come up to my mind is that a number of overseas Chinese students are pursuing their further studies in an English-spoken country, and every Chinatown is their favorite spot. They spend a greater amount of their leisure time on listening to Chinese music, seeing Chinese movies or talking to the compatriots in there. Unfortunately they are exposed too much to non-English surroundings, standing in the way of getting good progress in learning a foreign language. As a result, they are wasting their precious and costly times in an unconscious way which is due to this less diverse world.
由于观点太简单,我不想将其作为范文发表,只想告诉successors,不要紧张,不要想得太复杂,简单的观点可帮你举出支持有力的论据,而且你可以用复杂的表达来展示你的英语实力,希不希望这道题下星期再考呢?Good luck!!!
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