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托福词汇下载:Petroleum resources石油资源


托福词汇下载:Petroleum resources石油资源

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Petroleum resources石油资源

Petroleum 石油

They refined crude oil into various petroleum products. 他们将原油提炼成各种石油产品。

We ought to and can produce more petroleum. 我们应该并且能够生产更多的石油。

Petroleum additive 石油添加剂

Crude 天然的;未加工的;粗糙的;粗鲁的

Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil. 昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。

To be crude and careless is an extremely bad style of work. 粗枝大叶是一种极坏的作风。

Originate 起源于;来自;发明

His book originated from a short story. 他的书是根据一个短篇小说撰写的。

He originated a new instrument. 他发明了一种新仪器。

Marine 海的

He is a marine painter. 他是一位海景画家。

Marine creatures are those which live in the sea. 海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。

Sediment 沉淀物

The sediment settled and the water was clear. 杂质沉淀后, 水变清了。

The sediment of coffee will settle. 咖啡渣会沉淀下去。

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Microscopic 微小的;显微镜的

It’s impossible to read his microscopic handwriting. 不可能看清他那极小的书写字迹。

He carefully recounts the tale, the microscopic details of those crucial minutes. 他详细地讲述了事情的经过和在那关键的几分钟里所发生的微小细节。

Decompose 腐烂;分解

Most animals decompose very quickly after death. 大多数动物死后很快腐烂。

There is a decomposing corpse of a deer. 那儿有一只鹿的腐尸。

A prism decomposes light. 棱镜可以分解光线。

Decay 腐烂;腐败;衰退

The vegetables have begun to decay. 那些蔬菜已开始腐烂。

The house is in decay. 这栋房子已经坏了。



