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1. How do you get information,news or knowledge?你通过什么方式了解新闻,信息,知识?

I prefer the way to get information through the internet. First, I think getting news from internet is an easy way, what we need to do is just move the mouse, which means we don’t need to go out to buy newspaper. Second, internet can provide us news faster, when an event take place somewhere in the world, the news webs could provide the news quickly, which unlike newspapers, they have to print out and then sell to us. Third, using internet to get the information is also benefit to our environment, because it doesn’t need papers and ink, so fewer trees with by cut down and fewer rivers will be polluted.


2.Which way could you learn more, from media(TV,internet) or people (parents,teachers,friends,classmates)?媒体(TV, internet...)和人(家长,老师,朋友,同学)从哪方面你能学到更多的东西?

I support the way to learn more knowledge through internet is best. First of all, I think getting news from internet is easy, what we need to do is just move the mouse and type the letters, which means we don’t need to go out. This makes me very efficient in getting information. Second, internet can provide us a large amount of information, for there are so many websites and they don’t need to worry about paper using, so they will write many things, and I can obtain much knowledge. Therefore, using internet I can learn more knowledge.


3. Some people enjoy collecting information via the bools, and some people prefer to use the internet. How about you? 有些人用书本收集信息,有些人则喜欢用网络,你呢?具体说明理由。

I enjoy gathering information through the internet. Firstly, internet brings us a huge amount of information from all over the world, we are able view all of them. This is really a gigantic benefit since the internet is just an extremely large library opened for everyone; we can view the things not only in our community, but also outside world as well. Then we won’t go out any more since all the things can appear on our computer screen. This is a huge convenience especially when it is raining or snowing outside, or the library is far from my home. Third, some websites provide search system like Google that makes me find information quickly and easily.






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