The stink of exhaust, the mind-numbing tedium of traffic, parking lots blighting central city real estate. The urban sins of the automobile are numerous indeed.
As more people move to cities and gain the economic wherewithal to purchase an automobile, will we be increasingly dependent on cars for our transportation and status symbols?
A new thought experiment on display at the Center for Architecture in New York City offers an alternative vision for the cities of 2030. By that time, more than 60 percent of humanity—5 billion people—may live in cities.
The architects recommend careful use of express bus rapid transit—the cheapest public transportation option—and increased capacity for bicyclists and pedestrians. That may help alleviate problems like highways blocking access to waterfront in cityscapes from Ahmedabad to Rio de Janeiro.
For example, in China, simply expanding the city of Guangzhou's bus rapid transit system, which already carries 800,000 passengers a day, could help recreate what used to be a vibrant shopping district before an elevated highway shrouded it in gloom.
Some form of the automobile will likely be around in 2030, but that doesn't mean we have to build our cities for its comfort instead of ours.