口语1:which person you want to know more
口语2:do you like to go to the same place for your vacation, or different places and spend little time at each place for you vacation
口语3: reading suggests allow use cell phone in library 而listening 反对 1,library should quiet, talking with others will make noise 2, if emergency, they can go out to check messages
口语4Readingempoloyers hire costumers to evaluate employees’ work Lecture :example restaurant manager 不wached her waitors而hire a man ask a waitrees’ questions whether he is friendly口语5:man wants to go to a trip with the French club, but he does not have money to buy a ticket, 2 sulutions :1 work for extra hours in a restaurant to earn money But for his exam next week, he must be very busy 2, sell his guitar to a student, but that is a nice guitar.
口语 6:loon birds have two types of feather to protect them in the cold water, they are water birds live in cold climate in north America, 1st, counterfeit (不确定), feather which is the outer layer of the birds’ body. This type of feather keeps the birds dry, it is packed tightly and olily wich keep the water going into the body. 2nd type, is down feather, wich keeps the bird warm. It is dense and thick and is make of soft fluffy material. So it prevents the heat loosing for the body