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托福高分经验:本文作者2012年2月5号第一次考托福,就取得了110分的好成绩,据他分享的经验,我们知道,托福机经是很有用的,阅读和听力要注意词汇的积累和运用,口语和综合写作最好不要照抄模板。下面,我们就来具体看一下这位托福考友的高分经验吧! 1.托福机经还是很有用,environment的原题给了口语很大的自信,后面就很顺了!

阅读28+听力28+口语26+写作28 口语是因为campus那里拿了一个fair......


听力来说,如果时间充裕,看美剧还是不错的选择。只要能做到TBBT遮字幕的全新一集能跟着笑的天昏地暗,那功夫就差不多了~ 听力28是因为没有训练过加试,最后各种注意力不集中。就不分享太多经验了~

口语来说,一定要多练,多录,我花了大概20天备考,口语题用windows自带的录音机大概录了得有400多个文件,还算有点效果吧~ 对了 如果想拿上110的高分,口语一定,一定,不要用模板!还有综合写作也不要用模板。或者用的时候,一定要加以演化,最好不要照搬照抄。切记!

最后说写作。独立写作没别的,练吧!重点在句式的连贯性以及vocabulary variety 可以多加练习!比如说一个促进,要能做到除了improve以外,立即衍生出什么develop promote enhance boost等等,这样写文章写起来也会很顺。综合写作呢,千万不要完全照抄模板。可以参考119神人那篇的TPO3的范例,我十分受用。


The lecture revises the idea presented in the text, that Rembrandt was not the artist who painted the famous painting "Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet”.

The inconsistency between the white cap, which identifies the woman as a servant, and the expensive fur collar she wears dissolves as the Professor explains that the fur collar was apparently painted over the original painting to increase its worth by displaying an aristocratic woman.

In addition, the assumption that light and shadow in the painting do not fit together is refuted by the fact that in the original painting, the woman wears a light cloth that illuminated her face. Thus the presentation of light and shadow was indeed very realistic and accurate, as it is characteristic of Rembrandt’s paintings.

Finally, the mystery of the panel consisting of patches glued together is also solved in the lecture. Actually, the wood panel was later enlarged to make it more grand and valuable, but the original painting was painted on a single panel, as Rembrandt would have done it. Furthermore, the wood is of the same tree used in other Rembrandt paintings, like the "Self-Portrait with a Hat”.

All this information points to Rembrandt as the painter of the controversial painting.


