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GRE词汇:immaterial 考法


GRE词汇:immaterial 考法

改革后的新gre考试词汇量的考察下降20%,但是并不代表词汇在新gre考试中不重要了,新gre考试更加注重实际语言能力的考察了,所以同学们绝对不能放松对词汇的学习,以下是小编为大家搜集的有关immaterial的考法。 immaterial: adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter

adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter

It is only possible to study immaterial forces like gravity by observing their effects on the physical world.


ethereal, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, spiritual

bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial 实体的

adj. 无关的,不重要的: of no importance or relevance

While undoubtedly upsetting, that story is immaterial to the question of why you are late. 尽 管那个故事的确很让人遗憾,但是和你为什么迟到没有半点关系

extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant

applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant 相关的;crucial, important, significant 重要的

