On the other hand, if misguided or overextended loyalty can amount to a divisive and even
destructive force. In school, undue loyalty to popular social cliques often leads to insulting and
abusive language or behavior toward students outside these cliques. Undue loyalty amongst
friends can turn them into an antisocial, even warring, gang of miscreants. And, undue loyalty
to a spouse or other partner can lead to acquiescence in abusive treatment by that partner,
and abuse of oneself by continuing to be loyal despite the abuse.
Misguided loyalty can also occur between people and their institutions. Undue loyalty to
college alma maters often leads to job discrimination--for example, when a job candidate with
the same alma mater as that of the person making the hiring decision is chosen over a more
qualified candidate from a different school. Loyalty to one's employer can also become a
destructive force, ifit leads to deceptive business practices and disregard for regulations
designed to protect public health and safety. By way of undue loyalty to their employers,
employees sometimes harm themselves as well. Specifically, many employees fail to advance
their own careers by moving on to another place of work, or type of work altogether, because
of a misplaced sense of loyalty to one company. Finally, and perhaps foremost in terms of
destructive potential, is misguided loyalty to one's country or political leaders. History shows all
too well that crossing the fine line between patriotism and irrational jingoism can lead to such
atrocities as persecution, genocide, and war.
To sum up, without loyalty there can be no basis for trust between two people, or between
people and their institutions. A world devoid of loyalty would be a paranoid, if not anarchical,
one. Nevertheless, loyalty must be tempered by other virtues, such as fairness, tolerance, and
respect for other people and for oneself. Otherwise, I agree that it can serve to divide, damage,
and even destroy.
Issue 122
"Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy."
This statement about the impact of conformity on individual energy and creativity actually
involves two distinct issues. In my view, the extent to which conformity stifles a person's
energy depends primarily on the temperament of each individual, as well as on the goals
toward which the person's energy is directed. However, I am in full agreement that conformity
stifles creativity; indeed, in my view the two phenomena are mutually exdusive.
Whether conformity stifles individual energy depends on the individual person involved. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(86) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。GRE作文是中国学生比较头痛的,经常准备很多时间最后还是只得到3.5。我之所以得到6分,个人认为我的文风比较淳朴扎实,有科学性,写的思路比较广(正、反、特),字数也比较多(I800+、A700+)。
Some people are conformists by nature. By this I mean that they function best in an
environment where their role is dearly defined and where teamwork is key in meeting group
objectives. For conformists individual energy comes from sharing a common purpose, or
mission, with a group that must work in lock-step fashion to achieve that mission. In the military
and in team sports, for example, the group's common mission is dearly understood, and group
members conform to the same dress code, drill regimen, and so forth. And rather than quelling
energy, this conformity breeds camaraderie, as well as enthusiasm and even fervor for winning
the battle or the game. Besides, nonconforming behavior in these environments only serves to
undermine success; if game plans or battle strategies were left to each individual team
member, the results would dearly be disastrous.
Conformists find enhanced energy in certain corners of the business world as well,
particularly in traditional service industries such as finance, accounting, insurance, legal
services, and health care. In these businesses it is not the iconodasts who revel and thrive but
rather those who can work most effectively within the constraints of established practices,
policies, and regulations. Of course, a clever idea for structuring a deal, or a creative legal
maneuver, might play a role in winning smaller battles along the way. But such tactics are
those of conformists who are playing by the same ground rules as their peers.
In sharp contrast, other people are nonconformists by nature. These people are motivated
more often by the personal satisfaction that comes with creativity, invention, and innovation.
For these people a highly structured, bureaucratic environment only serves to quell motivation
and energy. Artists and musicians typically find such environments stifling, even noxious.
Entrepreneurial business people who thrive on innovation and differentiation are often driven
to self-employment because they feel stifled and frustrated, even offended, by a bureaucracy
which requires conformity.
As for whether conformity stifles individual creativity, one need only look around at the
individuals whom we consider highly creative to conclude that this is indeed the case. Our
most creative people are highly eccentric in their personal appearance, life-style, and so forth.
In fact, they seem to eschew any sort of established norms and mores. Bee-bop music pioneer
Thelonius Monk was renowned for his eccentric manner of speech, dress, and behavior. Even
as a young student, Frank Lloyd Wright took to carrying a cane and wearing a top hat and a
cape. And who could argue that musicians Prince and Michael Jackson, two of the most
creative forces in popular music, are nothing if not nonconforming in every way. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(86) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。GRE作文是中国学生比较头痛的,经常准备很多时间最后还是只得到3.5。我之所以得到6分,个人认为我的文风比较淳朴扎实,有科学性,写的思路比较广(正、反、特),字数也比较多(I800+、A700+)。
Besides, by
definition creativity requires nonconformity. In other words, any creative act is necessarily in
nonconformance with what already exists.
To sum up, conformists find their energy by conforming, nonconformists by not conforming.
And creativity is the exclusive domain of the nonconformist.
Issue 123
"Much of the information that people assume is 'factual' actually turns out to be inaccurate.
Thus, any piece of information referred to as a 'fact' should be mistrusted since it may well be
proven false in the future."
The speaker contends that so-called "facts" often turn out to be false, and therefore that we
should distrust whatever we are told is factual. Although the speaker overlooks certain
circumstances in which undue skepticism might be counterproductive, and even harmful, on
balance I agree that we should not passively accept whatever is passed off as fact; otherwise,
human knowledge would never advance.
I turn first to so-called "scientific facts," by which I mean current prevailing notions about the
nature of the physical universe that have withstood the test of rigorous scientific and logical
scrutiny. The very notion of scientific progress is predicated on such scrutiny. Indeed the
history of science is in large measure a history of challenges to so-called "scientific
facts"--challenges which have paved the way for scientific progress. For example, in
challenging the notion that the Earth was in a fixed position at the center of the universe,
Copernicus paved for the way for the corroborating observations of Galileo a century later, and
ultimately for Newton's principles of gravity upon which all modern science depends. The
staggering cumulative impact of Copernicus' rejection of what he had been told was true
provides strong support for the speaker's advice when it comes to scientific facts.
Another example of the value of distrusting what we are told is scientific fact involves the
debate over whether human behavioral traits are a function of internal physical forces ("nature")
or of learning and environment ("nurture"). Throughout human history the prevailing view has
shifted many times. The ancients assumed that our behavior was governed by the whims of
the gods; in medieval times it became accepted fact that human behavior is dictated by bodily
humours, or fluids; this "fact" later yielded to the notion that we are primarily products of our
upbringing and environment. Now researchers are discovering that many behavioral traits are
largely a function of the unique neurological structure of each individual's brain. Thus only by
distrusting facts about human behavior can we advance in our scientific knowledge and, in turn,
learn to deal more effectively with human behavioral issues in such fields as education,
juvenile delinquency, criminal reform, and mental illness. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(86) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。
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