Argument242 The following appeared as an editorial in the student newspaper of Groveton College.
"To combat the recently reported dramatic rise in cheating among college and university students, these institutions should adopt honor codes similar to Groveton's, which calls for students to agree not to cheat in their academic endeavors and to notify a faculty member if they suspect that others have cheated. Groveton's honor code replaced an old-fashioned system in which students were closely monitored by teachers and an average of thirty cases of cheating per year were reported. The honor code has proven far more successful: in the first year it was in place, students reported twenty-one cases of cheating; five years later, this figure had dropped to fourteen. Moreover, in a recent survey conducted by the Groveton honor council, a majority of students said that they would be less likely to cheat with an honor code in place than without."
结论: 大家应该采用G的诚信制度
攻击点一:Hasty Generalization
认为G的honor code很成功,其它学校也应该采纳,并且告诉我们honor code 的具体内容。这是一个直接从结论入手的攻击点,你可以把honor code 的内容看作文章的前提而不去攻击,这样只能简单的说G的诚信制度可能带有相当严厉的惩罚措施或放任的自由度,前者可能并不适用于那些自主开放给予学生充分信任的学校(我记得Cornell好像给予学生充分的信任,考试一般不设supervisor),后者可能使原本考试体制形如鸡肋学校雪上加霜。当然,这个前提本身值得我们去思考——因为honor code 的validity值得怀疑:第一、同意不作弊不代表肯定不作弊;第二、怀疑别人作弊往往带有主观性,没有作弊而被认定为作弊显然荒谬,可能对学生心理造成不好的影响
攻击点二:Incomplete Comparison
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Secondly, the arguer does an incomplete comparison. A group of statistics was provided to convince us that the adoption of honor codes surly declined the cases of cheating which were reported. The arguer should tell us the result of the comparison with other colleges or universities as well as the variation. Perhaps other institutions that still adopt the traditional system decreased the number of cheating cases more sharply by using more advantaged electrical appliances.
Finally, the survey mentioned in the editorial is severely unreliable. The arguer fails to provide the evidence that the respondents are representative. It is entirely possible that the students who are willing to reject the behavior of cheating are more interested in responding the survey. Besides, the credibility of the survey is open to doubt given its loaded question. Students should be asked whether they would be less likely to cheat the honor code in place than with the traditional system rather than without.
To sum up, the arguer should provide the evidence of the decline of the cases of cheating rather than the cases only been reported, moreover, the arguer should compare the number of cheating cases with other colleges adopting the traditional system. Before been convinced, we should also see the survey the editorial mentioned being amended to be more scientific.
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avoid the flaw 没有这个用法。
Firstly, the editorial fails to avoid the flaw of the hasty generalization of different concepts(一点内容也没有 全删掉). The arguer hastily equals the cases of cheating not reported and the facts that the students don’t cheat.(拉上去做TS) The difference between the two concepts is that(前面全是废话) maybe some students who cheat didn’t be found out or the supervisor did not report their behavior. Perhaps the students help each other’s to cheat and do not notify faculty members others’ cheating behavior.(光写到perhaps话没说完 后面至少再补一两句)
Reduced reports of cheating does not necessarily suggest the decrease in such an activity. It is absolutely possible that students collaborate in active cheating and pretend nothing is going on at the same time. So behind the "fourteen cases per year" the actual number of annual cheating cases may well be fourty, or one hundred and fourty, nobody knows. The statistics does not justifiably reflect the truth.(最后一句这里有个小小的收尾)
而且 honor code之前那个report前面没有写students这个限定词 而honor code之后都是students reported 这里可以做文章。假如把这一点再加入刚才这个段落 那就非常丰满了。
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