GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。
Moreover, the speaker's concern for whether art's function is to embrace or oppose science
and technology begs the question, for the final objective of art lies instead in its ability to
convey a society's values, ideals, and concerns. The pyramids and obelisks of the ancient
world, as well as the great cathedrals of Renaissance Europe, including the murals and
sculptures in and around them, reflected a societal preoccupation with transcending the
human condition. During the Medieval period the most important architectural form was the
castle, which reflected an overriding concern for military security during a time of relative
anarchy. During the 18th and 19th Centuries, an emerging genteel upper-middle class saw
itself reflected in the bourgeois themes of impressionists such as Renoir and Monet. The
machine-tooled art deco style of the early 20th Century reflected industrial society's penchant
for technological progress, while modern abstract art mirrors the frenetic world that has
resulted from that progress.
In sum, while I agree that art is indeed influenced by science and technology, this influence
is mainly in the materials and processes that science makes available to the artist. The final
objective of art, far from having any beating on science or technology per se, is to hold a mirror
up to the society in which the artist operates.
Issue 98
"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to
survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate---and, perhaps, even
cruel---when one considers all the potential uses of such money." 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(47) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。
The speaker asserts that using public resources to support the arts is unjustifiable in a
society where some people go without food, jobs, and basic survival skills. It might be tempting
to agree with the speaker on the basis that art is not a fundamental human need, and that
government is not entirely trustworthy when it comes to its motives and methods. However, the
speaker overlooks certain economic and other societal benefits that accrue when government
assumes an active role in supporting the arts.
The implicit rationale behind the speaker's statement seems to be that cultural enrichment
pales in importance compared to food, clothing, and shelter. That the latter needs are more
fundamental is indisputable; after all, what starving person would prefer a good painting to
even a bad meal? Accordingly, I concede that when it comes to the use of public resources it is
entirely appropriate to assign a lower priority to the arts than to these other pressing social
problems. Yet, to postpone public arts funding until we completely eliminate unemployment
and hunger would be to postpone arts funding forever; any informed person who believes
otherwise is envisioning a pure socialist state where the government provides for all of its
citizens' needs--a vision which amounts to fantasy.
It might also be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that arts patronage is
neither an appropriate nor a necessary funcuon of government. This argument has
considerable merit, in three respects. First, it seems ill-conceived to relegate decision and
choices about arts funding to a handful of bureaucrats, who are likely to decide based on their
own quirky notions about art, and whose decisions might be susceptible to influence-peddling.
Second, private charity and philanthropy appear to be alive and well today. For example, year
after year the Public Broadcasting System is able to survive, and even thrive, on donations
from private foundations and individuals. Third, government funding requires tax dollars from
our pockets--leaving us with less disposable dollars with which to support the arts directly and
more efficiently than any bureaucracy ever could.
On the other hand are two compelling arguments that public support for the arts is desirable,
whether or not unemployment and hunger have been eliminated. One such argument is that
by allocating public resources to the arts we actually help to solve these social problems.
Consider Canada's film industry, which is heavily subsidized by the Canadian government, and
which provides countless jobs for film-industry workers as a result. The Canadian government
also provides various incentives for American productoion companies to f~n and produce their
movies in Canada. These incentives have sparked a boon for the Canadian economy, thereby
sumulating job growth and wealth that can be applied toward education, job training, and
social programs. The Canadian example is proof that public arts support can help solve the
kinds of social problems with which the speaker is concerned. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(47) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。GRE写作部分将重点考察考生有针对性地对具体考题做出反应的能力,而非要求考生堆砌泛泛的文字。具体说来,这些重点关注的能力包括:1、 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点;2、 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点;3、考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证;4、支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论;5、控制标准书面英语的各个要素。写作部分将联合考察逻辑推理和分析写作两种技能,并且将加大力度引进那些需要考生做出有针对性的回应的考题,降低考生依赖事前准备(如背诵)的材料的可能性。
A second argument against the speaker's position has to do with the function and ultimate
objectives of art. Art serves to lift the human spirit and to put us more in touch with our feelings,
foibles, and fate in short, with our own humanity. With a heightened sensitivity to the human
condition, we become more others-oriented, less self-centered, more giving of ourselves. In
other words, we become a more charitable society--more willing to give to those less fortunate
than ourselves in the ways with which the speaker is concerned. The speaker might argue, of
course, that we do a disservice to others when we lend a helping hand by enabling them to
depend on us to survive. However, at the heart of this specious argument lies a certain
coldness and lack of compassion that, in my view, any society should seek to discourage.
Besides, the argument leads inexorably to certain political, philosophical, and moral issues
that this brief essay cannot begin to address.
In the final analysis, the beneficiaries of public arts funding are not limited to the elitists who
stroll through big-city museums and attend symphonies and gallery openings, as the speaker
might have us believe. Public resources allocated to the arts create jobs for artists and others
whose livelihood depends on a vibrant, rich culture--just the sort of culture that breeds
charitable concern for the hungry, the helpless, and the hapless.
Issue 99
"The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common
ground and reasonable consensus."
Should educators focus equally on enriching students' personal lives and on job preparation,
as the speaker contends? In my view, preparing students for the mundane aspects of work
should be secondary to providing a broader education that equips students with historical and
cultural perspective, as well as thoughtful and principled personal value systems and priorities.
Paradoxically, it is through the liberal studies, which provide these forms of personal
enrichment, that students can also best prepare for the world of work.
One reason why educators should emphasize personal enrichment over job preparation is
that rote technical knowledge and skill do not help a student determine which goals in life are
worthwhile and whether the means of attaining those goals are ethically or morally acceptable.
Liberal studies such as philosophy, history, and comparative sociology enable students to
develop thoughtful and consistent value systems and ethical standards, by which students can
determine how they can best put their technical knowledge and skills to use in the working
world. Thus, by nurturing the development of thoughtful personal value systems, educators
actually help prepare students for their jobs and careers. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(47) 》一文,查字典出国留学网()编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。