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31.The average (arithmetic mean) quiz score is closest to which of the following?

A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 E.9

32.From the set of 6 letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, there are 20 different 3-letter subsets that could be selected.

Column A: The number of 3-letter subsets that include the letter F

Column B: 10

answer: C

33. In the Ratings for Symptom H table shown which of the following could be r, s, and t, respectively?

A.0,7,6 B.1,1,9 C.1,10,4 D.2,19,0 E.2,4,5

原文来源: 2013年4月新gre考试:猴哥教你解gre数学难题(4)

34.If (7,3) is the center of the circle, then the radius of the circle could be equal to which of the following?

A.2 B.3 C.5 D.7 E.9

35.If x + 2y = 2 and (x + y)*(x+y)=9, which of the following is a possible value of y?

A.-8 B.-5 C.-3/2 D.3/2 E.5

36. In what month was gas use in one of the years nearly double that for the same month in the other year?

A. February B.July C.August D.September E.October

原文来源: 2013年4月新gre考试:猴哥教你解gre数学难题(4)

37.Column A: The total number of feet of fencing, indicated by the solid lines, needed to separate each of the gardens

Column B: The total number of feet in the perimeter of the plot

38.The curvature of a circle is defined to be the reciprocal of the radius of the circle.

Column A: The curvature of a circle with circumference 35∏

Column B: The curvature of a circle with circumference 36∏

39. The length of a rectangular box is 4 inches longer than the depth, and the width of the box is 1 inch less than the length. The depth of the box is between 3 inches and 4 inches.

Column A:The volume of the box in cubic inches

Column B: 200

answer: D

40. If n is integer and 99
