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GRE口语下载:good leader


GRE口语下载:good leader

查字典出国留学网GRE频道小编为广大考生整理了《GRE口语下载:good leader》,希望对大家的GRE考试有所帮助。本站时刻更新,可以收藏备用!


Effectively thinking about wisdom is the very essence of becoming a SmartLeader! Wisdom has been recognized throughout time and across cultures as the most sought after quality of a leader. Long ago, the ancient leader King Solomon wrote, "It's much better to have wisdom and understanding than to possess gold and silver." SmartLeaders know that wisdom is one of the BIG ideas about which they must think.


Wisdom is a quality that is easily recognized but difficult to define. To effectively think about wisdom means that we must first define wisdom. In its most basic form, wisdom is timeless knowledge. It is knowledge that is as true today as it was 16 centuries ago and will be true in the next millennium. Such timeless knowledge is an unique combination of experience and knowledge. The 16th Century proverb "Experience is the father of wisdom," is only half-right. If the father of wisdom is experience, its mother is knowledge.


As SmartLeaders, we are constantly on the look out for wisdom - but where do you find it? To answer this question, we asked the SmartLeaders in our network to share their sources of wisdom (remember, SmartLeaders understand that sharing wisdom is a mark of a wise leader!). The overwhelming majority of our network said that they turn to The Bible to find wisdom. We concur! One of the most timeless and sustainable sources of wisdom is The Bible, particularly the Book of Proverbs and the sayings of Jesus in the Gospels.

原文来源: GRE口语下载:good leader


Wisdom is meant to be pondered. The old leadership truth, you are what you think about all day long, is certainly true when it comes to wisdom. To become wise, think on wise thoughts! Think about temporary information and you'll be a temporary leader. Think about timeless knowledge and you'll be a leader that lasts - a SmartLeader!

Finding wisdom is only the first step in thinking about wisdom. You must then have a process for memorizing and digesting wisdom. Here are some suggested steps for thinking about wisdom:

1. Collect Wisdom - be on the lookout, and when you come across a piece of wisdom, treat it like a rare jewel. In other words, keep it somewhere more secure than your memory. Write it down!

2. Categorize Wisdom - writing down jewels of wisdom is not enough, you need to organize your collection so you can access it easily and frequently.

3. Meditate on Wisdom -- only a fool refuses to spend time with wise thoughts.

4. Memorize it - When a piece of wisdom is especially significant, work to make it a part of your walking file cabinet.

5. Share it! - Remember, the best way to learn is to teach; as you share wisdom, you grow more wise.

To think effectively about wisdom, you must be able to identify it, locate it, and act upon it. To be a wise leader, you must add one additional step to the equation - you must share wisdom! Wise is the leader who finds wisdom, ponders it, memorizes it, files it and then passes it along!




