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瑞典留学 瑞典国家奖学金的申请介绍


瑞典留学 瑞典国家奖学金的申请介绍

瑞典国家奖学金申请几率 今天Facebook上SI(Swedish Institute)的负责人之一和大家分享了一下不同类别的申请者获得奖学金的申请几率! 作为Category 2的中国学生,竞争程度可谓是大啊!!!


The funding and the countries eligible for the different scholarship programmes are decided by the Swedish government, not by SI. SI received new funding, an extra 50 million SEK, on SI Study Scholarships category 1 (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). This resulted in 447 new scholarships this year. The other countries on the OECD-DAC-list (except for countries with other scholarship offers from SI) are offered an opportunity within category 2. This year SI had funding for 157 scholarships for 126 countries in category 2.

In other words, category 2 had few scholarships to share compared to the number of applicants. The chance of a scholarship was 4% (3,830 applicants to 157 scholarships). In category 1 (because of the new funding), the chance of a scholarship was 34% (1,300 applicants to 447 scholarships).

The selection of scholarship holders is done in an overall competition among applicants within the same scholarship programme. There is not a given number of scholarships for a certain country. The numbers per country differ from year to year depending on the overall competition, which is global and fierce. The selection is about finding applicants with the right combination of academic excellence and the ability to contribute to development in a given country or region. The latter is important since this funding is from the development aid budget. The objective is to contribute to a sustainable development.

Within the Visby Programme, which is about enhancing growth and development in the Baltic Sea area, the chance of a scholarship was 14% (437 applicants to 62 scholarships); within the Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Programme 8% (202 applicants to 16 scholarships), and within Scholarships for the Western Balkans 7,5% (212 applicants to 16 scholarships).

大家可以看到瑞典真的是很扶持一下在国际上相对比较落后的国家。人道主义精神啊! 比如说今年来自赞比亚的SI奖学金获得者就大大增加。图为来自赞比亚和印尼的奖学金获得者。

1 再有,要从3830个申请人中脱颖而出,真的是不容易呢。100个里面才选4个! 还要面对来自全世界不同国家申请人的竞争! 但是大家绝对不能知难而退,无论怎样都应该试着申请。展现出自己独有的优势,打动评选人的心!
