In the image - which the main French news agency AFP attempted to withdraw from circulation - the French president looks gormlessas he grins in front of a blackboard on which is written: "Today, it's back to school".
The photograph was taken on Tuesday during Mr Hollande's visit to a school in Denain, northern France, to coincidewith the start of term for hundreds of thousands of French pupils. It appears he was pulling a funny face to make the pupils laugh.
The original image came with the caption: "During a visit to the school Denain Michelet, September 3, 2013, Francois Hollande smiles, chairing a panel discussion on the reform of school timetables established by the government."
AFP initially posted the picture on its website as available for downloading but – apparently concerned it was inappropriate for a head of state – both later issued a "mandatorykill" notice, meaning the photo must not be used.
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