The heatwave that has already lasted three days is expected to ease and temperatures should fall to around 30 degrees Celsius after rainfall on Wednesday. However, the rain could continue until Saturday, leading to sauna weather during the second half of the week.
文中的 sauna weather就是我们平时说的桑拿天,sauna (桑拿浴) 的感觉想必大家都知道,stiflingly hot(非常闷热),因此 sauna weather 就是用来形容闷热难耐的天气,也称为sauna days。
本周一,北京市气象台发布了今年首个 orange-coded heat alert (高温橙色预警),land surface temperature(地面温度)超过55摄氏度,power consumption (用电量)再达峰值。在这样的大蒸笼里,很多人出现了不适症状,大家要谨防 heat stroke (中暑)